
Unemployment Object Memoirs: A Tribute to Raft

I decided to write thank you notes to the various objects that are helping me get through unemployment. This edition is dedicated to Raft.
Dear Raft,

Rumor has it is that summer is upon us. There has been evidence in support, such as the reappearance of sun, happy people on the street, and a sharp decrease in drunk tourists from New Jersey. However, I remained skeptical until the ultimate sign of summer presented itself: three flies constantly buzzing around my face. For those people who have experienced summer, which I imagine is anyone over the age of 9 months, intersect with anyone living south of Norway, you know that the Three Flies Men is the telltale sign that hot weather, dirty streets, and general summer merriment is imminent.  

For all of my summer experience, I still partake in the annual fly kill-a-thon, in which I spend four to seven hours chasing flies, while any cheerfulness I had about warm weather is summarily killed. In preparation for yesterdays kill-a-thon, I picked up a cumbersome object that appeared to contain words of some fashion. Completely bewildered, I asked for advice. “TommyAged5” suggested it was a loaf of bread. Other suggestions included “Fake guitar,” “Napkins,” and “Mascara.” After 4 hours, someone finally informed me that this odd, cumbersome object is indeed a “Book.”

Immediately after sounding the word “Book” aloud, memories came flashing back, Raft! All the books I read a youth! All three of them! Then I realized I am still under the influence of unemployment. Then I was sad again. See? --> :-(  So I decided, Raft, to use this new old-found knowledge to find my way out of unemployment. I would write my own book (exclusively for downloading online)!

This proved challenging, Raft. Writing a “book” involves words! And apparently, the placement of, commas semicolons, and. periods changes meaning and intent! Who knew!? Certainly not 75 percent of Facebook users! Alas, I would have to dig deeper. I had to use the “book” characters for inspiration. As my favorite author was Mark Twain, I decided to take you, Raft, and play out Twain’s greatest adventure, in which Huckleberry Finn kills the giant whale, while Ishmael joins Timothy at the Cay. Unfortunately, a quick trip to Williamsburg proved futile in finding an Ishmael willing to accompany me.

You should know, Raft, that I tried very hard to build one of you out of wood. But my superglue didn’t work. Fortunately, I was able to buy one of you from a sporting goods store. Just leave your price tag on, okay? After describing the width and the average food intake of whales, four hipsters suggested I try looking in Virginia.

So here we are, Raft! Though this “Swift Creek” place appears to be a stagnant pool of polluted muck, our adventure to inspire me out of the brinks of unemployment must commence! As long as there is not a giant algae monster lurking in the depths, we shall prevail. In the case there is a giant algae monster lurking in the depths, we must find a way to destroy it before it eats the giant whale townspeople! And then maybe we find out the monster is controlled by aliens who want to take over the planet…wait a minute. Raft! I think I have a “book” idea! Screw this, there are way too many flies out here!

Happy Summer,


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Unemployment Object Memoirs by Mala Kumar are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution .